An Affair

I was curious, but almost passed it by. This was a common occurrence throughout the day. Something would catch my eye, the little voice in my head would whisper, go! Followed by a brief hesitation, a belief that I had to stay on schedule, but today there was no schedule, time was an illusion.

To the victor go the spoils, and because I let go of all falsehoods that I didn’t have time, have enough pictures, a full day was already had, I became the victor and today my spoils matured into my renewed acquaintance with an old friend named spontaneity. Through this whimsical casualness came a delight and a rejoicing that carried me into the stream of life, letting the tides ravish me, sweeping me from one happening to another. My body felt light, in a way that had escaped me as of late. I smiled, a lot, I grinned, I laughed until I felt a complete release and relinquishing of control. I sat with what was true. Through the glimpses of absolute oneness with all, a suchness that I was and am everything.

Yesterday, I had an affair with life. A reminder of what is always here. Always. When I exhale, I liberate myself from self-induced struggles of the mind, let myself feel the truth, am guided by love, life and light. Never thought I could find so much joy from the espy of the sun shining on a guard rail. More to come, for sure.

— Erik Jackson

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