The Sanctuary Recovery Program

    This is a unique, one of its kind therapy program for any individual in need going through depression & suicide, high debilitating anxiety, addiction, PTSD and any other mental dysfunction that prevents them from living a stable functional, productive life.

    The program examines each individual analyzing their Ayurvedic Constitution to address the pain and suffering which is at the root of their dysfunction.

    Restoring mental, physical and emotional balance is at the core of the treatment program. The majority of therapy programs currently being employed in this field do not address the underlying trauma stored in the individual’. The survival coping mechanisms to deal with unresolved trauma create the behavioral patterns to disassociate from their pain. Identifying the root trauma and then creating an individual approach taking into account the whole person, Body, Mind, Emotion and Spirit can help restore inner equilibrium and bring about long-term changes in the client.


    To help the individual coming out of rehabilitation, depression, high debilitating anxiety or mental difficulties transition into a grounded, stable environment while helping the individual gain new tools and address the unpeeling of their issues and layers in a safe gradual way so they may go to the root cause to address their imbalances.

    The focus, sessions and treatments are based on having a conducive safe environment to absorb and process new insight into self.

    The experience, practice and journey of coming back into the body. This opens up deep emotions that need to be supported and processed through soma therapy or/ and other embodied practices with counselling and insight to become usable understanding. Compassion and being with are key elements of the process.

    To have access and practicing yoga, eating nourishing food and being with others in community.

    To have Ayurvedic treatments in the form of bodywork, herbal support and learning of more knowledge of life and self.

    Soma Therapy for trauma and trigger processing.

    Bodywork treatments will encompass modalities of Presence in Healing, Osteopathy, Alchemy and Ayurveda.