Sandra St Yves
For every action you take to evolve yourself and release limiting belief systems, trauma, dysfunctional generational patterns, you affect the generations that come after you and heal the ancestors who have come before you.
Inherited trauma is the result of decisions, actions and beliefs passed down through the generations and affecting all ancestral lines. It is possible to release ancestral patterning and generational trauma through intentionally interacting with the Quantum Field.
What we see and experience in this world is what we expect to perceive because we are conditioned to see through the eyes of other people. When we change the way we perceive, we change the world we experience. When we remove the filters from our eyes we see the world and ourselves anew.
Quantum-transformations is a system developed by Sandra St.Yves that effectively unplugs subconscious blocks and programming that keep us living and reacting through stress and trauma. By transmuting imprinted conditioning, we are able to gain a different perspective and connect more fully with The Authentic Self. This creates the space to free you to connect to your original blueprint, uncover your purpose, create something new in your life and to connect with greater understanding for what you are living and experiencing.
If you are alive it is time to thrive
We are all marinating in limiting belief systems that prevent us from living a preferred life. When we recognise what is within us that is holding us back and intentionally unplug from these, the defensive walls fall away and the true self naturally emerges. It has been waiting for the crust to be removed as our light has been dimmed by the old belief systems and conditioning that we have been imprinted with over our lifetimes, when these are shed our light can shine again from inside out. When this happens our external world reflects the internal changes and it becomes possible to experience a more empowered self who experiences more peace, self-love, and self-trust.
We can do this by becoming aware of the filters that we look through (the old conditioning) and clearing these limiting beliefs that are holding on to us and holding us back from experiencing inner peace.
Activates your original soul blueprint that you came into this world to express and be.
Erases old imprinting and transmutes limiting beliefs so that you can enter a space that allows for change to occur with more ease.
We are all conditioned with other peoples’ ideas and perceptions about how to live, how we ‘should’ be, and who we are. This conditioning becomes the person we believe ourselves to be, until at some points in our life we are challenged to shed the programming. This may occur as a life crisis in some form, health, career, relationship, home etc. We may even enter a period that is called “the dark night of the soul” where we sink to the depths of our beingness because what we are experiencing becomes too much to bear. it is at this point that the true self is calling to be heard and seen and expressed. We may hear this call through anxiety, stress, despair, depression, emptiness, illness, or a quiet yet growing awareness of life not feeling ‘quite right’.
“I see you, I hear you”.
QT allows you to be, think, and feel who you are in the moment, and through the expression and listening we identify the patterns and limiting belief systems that are running your life and stopping you from being who you truly are.
Through conscious intention and your permission, we allow the thoughts, memories, trauma and habitual thinking to release. Through this release the true self will begin to emerge with more passion, purpose, and potential for living a life that is more aligned with your integrity and who you are at the core of your being.
From this place all you need to do is breathe whilst spontaneous change is facilitated in the session
• Receive guidance and clarity on your life’s current or ongoing challenging situations
• Move beyond anxiety, trauma and fear by identifying energetic blocks and releasing the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
• Find relief from emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain
• Consciously design your life and live in a state of intentional co-creation
• Release dysfunctional generational patterning
• Dissolve soul contracts
Get clear on the way forwards in any areas of your life
• Work
• Relationship
• Health
• Finances
• Spiritual direction and purpose
The Tarot is a tool for bringing greater clarity and understanding of the underlying dynamics that are influencing your current situation. It is an instrument that triggers intuitive knowing and awareness so that you can be guided in the best direction in the moment according to your individual situation and those around you. When this happens, you will feel more confident and clearer to make the decisions you need for your greater benefit and the benefit of those in your life.
If you have been feeling uncertain or confused about your direction in life a psychic tarot session can help you to find answers to your questions. It can give advice and understanding on past, present, and future situations and help guide you on the right action and path. In truth The Tarot allows you to access your own intuition and inner knowing. I rarely have sessions where people do not already know the answers, and my job is to facilitate you to trust your own intuition to take you on the best path you can be on.
The Tarot can shed light on who you were, who you are now, and who you are in the process of becoming. In this way it acts as a facilitator of personal growth and evolution, and will help facilitate you to move forwards in life with clarity and more ease.
The intuitive guidance is highly sensitive to individual needs, bringing practical as well as spiritual advice to enable you to overcome challenges that may be preventing you from living the best life that you can. A session brings peace to a troubled mind and heart and facilitates transformation where it is required in an empathetic and non-judgemental consultation.
Helps to access recurring patterns in our lives that are stopping us reaching and living our fullest potential to achieve inner peace. Past lives are always connected to those closest to us and can help to gain a deeper understanding of the self, motivations, habits, illnesses, and relationships that we have in our current lives.
A past life regression session can help to gain access to memories of leaerning and wisdom that we achieved in those lifetimes, or to gain access to the memories of what we may bekieve are mistakes in this kifetie,
It is also useful to gain a fuller understanding of the relationships we have in our lives with those who are close to us, and sometimes with those who seem to be peripheral to our lives but are actually playing a larger part than we realise.
One of the most beneficial aspects of past life therapy is gaining a deeper understanding of soul purpose and why choice was made to incarnate in this lifetime. It can help to uncover gifts that we can bring with us to this lifetime.
Often experiencing a past life regression can help to relieve pain, help in recovery from illness and can help us in accepting experiences that we have not been able to overcome in this lifetime.
• Stress
• Anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Addictions (smoking/weight loss/shopping etc)
• Self-confidence
• Learning retention
Clinical hypnotherapy is a mind/body therapeutic tool. It is a state of deep relaxation that quiets the conscious mind and enables us to access the subconscious mind where are deepest thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, emotions and memories are stored. It is here that our behaviours originate that cause us to have thoughts, emotions and actions that are not serving us.
The state of hypnosis allows you to accept positive priming and suggestions are made that can assist in releasing tormented states such as, addictions, anxieties, PTSD, lack of self-confidence. It is also used to access recurring thoughts and memories that may be at the root cause of troubling behaviour.
During the state of hypnosis you will remain aware of what is happening, yet the state of deep relaxation will allow you to access thoughts and feelings which can then be replaced with more positive thoughts and feelings. You are in total control of the session and there is nothing that can be done or said that will affect your feelings and thoughts in an adverse way.
Not everybody will be receptive to hypnosis, people most benefitting will be those open to overcome the issue they are addressing and are able to trust the person treating them in the hypnotherapy session. It may take more than one session to deeply imprint new thought forms and behaviours depending upon the situation and the person being treated.
When not to have hypnotherapy session
If you have severe mental and emotional issues, suffer from epilepsy, suffer from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol. If you are trying to gain access to memories that you feel may be blocked from you. If you know that you are unable to allow full trust in therapist and hypnotherapy. If you are unsure that you are really ready to change your thoughts/behaviors.
Wholistic Session: $150
Past Life Regression 3 hours: $ 300 ( sliding scale available)
Clinical Hypnotherapy: 1st Session 2 hours : $200
Available in-person or online