The Science of Ayurveda

When we understand how our natural constitutions drive us, we are able to get ourselves to a new balance - even with constant evolving changes around us. We understand our individual reactions and responses and gain the knowledge and tools to nurture ourselves to peak performance. Health is defined in Ayurveda as a state when body, mind, emotions and spirit are aligned. Empower yourself as you obtain deeper insight into how and when you get off balance and how to attain back a stronger sense of self.

  • - Examination of doshic constitution that is unique to you, bringing insight into natural balance and imbalance.

    - Gain tools for evolving lifestyle practices, food, movement and activity choices. Understand and learn how to use herbs that will help your individual balance.

    -Managing anxiousness, depression, loss of focus or that sense of disconnection from the body

    -Nurturing practices to bring out a higher level quality of daily life to be at your higher potential, that will ground Vata, soothe Pitta or stimulate Kapha

  • - Find yourself in a safe space to explore emotions, beliefs and mind sets that are stunting your growth or in your next step choices.

    -Soma therapy that goes into the body and acknowedges the keeping of emotions and energy that we need to tend to, understand and release.

  • Abyangha Heated Oil Massage with Marmar Points Therapy

    - Gain a sense of groundedness, wholeness and connection to self. Designed to nurture and nourish the connective tissues to restore fluidity and vitality. Also combination of Chi Bodywork.

    - Ideal for anxiety, needing clarity, congestion, fatigue, depression, off balance.

    Chi Bodywork

    • To cleanse and strengthen areas with physical pain, congestion or blockage. Brings back vitality and energy.

    Shirodhara Therapy

    - A continuous flow of water or oil to the forehead once the person is relaxed and grounded.

    - Depending on the state of the person, one will go into a deep state of rest and will bring out clarity of mind and purging of emotions. A sense of cleansing and strength proceeds after.

    -By request due to fresh oil preperation.


  • - Specific herbal concoctions based in oils, ghee or spice combinations based on needs

    - Specifically for Digestive Discomfort, Women's Health Issues, Daily needs, amongst others.


  • Consultation: $110 per hr

  • Counselling/ Soma therapy: 1.5 hours $150

  • Consult & Bodywork: Addressing Physical, Mental, Emotional & Marmar Point & Chi Combination Bodywork 2.5 hours. $250

  • Chi Bodywork: To cleanse and strengthen physical areas in pain or energetic/ emotional wellbeing for vitality. 1.5 hours. $170

  • Shirodhara: Consult, preparation Grounding massage & Shiro 2.5 hours $300 ( please email as special request)

  • Online Counselling session: 1 hour: $95

  • Herbal concoctions by consult