Faith Perkins

  • Presence in Healing is an integrative approach to well-being. It uses bodywork, movement, coaching and mindfulness, accessing multiple levels of consciousness, to support increased perceptual awareness and a greater understanding of who you are. With this information you can move to a fuller expression of self, so that intention, choice, action, and daily activity become congruent in the creation of a fulfilled life. Presence in Healing is especially useful for people who have experienced

    • chronic illness

    • trauma

    • chronic stress

    or for people who are

    • in the process of recovery

    • seeking more expression in their lives

    • in a life transition

    Presence in Healing is offered through sessions, coaching, and classes. Distance sessions are available.

  • Faith combines Myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, and therapeutic massage to work deeply and yet gently with the body, addressing acute and chronic issues. Her focus is to release restrictions that have developed from trauma, inflammation, surgery, posture, and habit. Sessions can include myofascial scar release and manual lymph drainage.

  • Manual lymph drainage (MLD) is a gentle, rhythmic treatment which focuses on improving the function of the lymphatic system. Often referred to as an "internal cleaning system for the whole body" the main role of the lymphatic system is to maintain a balance of fluids in the body and filter harmful substances from the lymph fluid. In addition to oncology, MLD can be useful for nervous system dysfunction, complex pain, autoimmune disorders, edema, neuropathy, and management of Lyme symptoms

  • Everything in the universe is in vibration. Our cells and organs all vibrate to their own frequencies. Many things in the universe vibrate to multiple frequencies. When we experience the flow of our own vibration in our bodies we have a palpable understanding of our health and wholeness.

    Sound affects us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We can use sound to wake up, motivate, release, and bring us to a state of profound, deep peace.

    Sing the Body is a series of short sessions which guide you to access your inner flow using sound to awaken or enhance your own vibrations. You can connect to your whole body or specific organs or cells. With this connection you can receive, nourish, express, and heal.

    These sessions are offered virtually and in person. We begin wherever you would like to start. Some suggestions of places to begin are:

    • making friends with your voice

    • toning and balancing your chakras

    • healing with your own voice

    • balancing emotions

    • clearing stuck emotions.


Fees                 Presence in Healing sessions            $125, sliding scale available

                        Integrative bodywork, 60 min          $100

                        Integrative bodywork, 75 min          $125

Manual Lymph Drainage, 60 min $100

Sound healing sessions 45 min $60 /package of 3 for $150