Cheryl Rubin

  • We have all experienced it whether driving a long distance and not remembering how we did it, reading a good book or watching a movie and being so totally involved, that everything around us appears to fade into the background. If this has happened to you, then you were hypnotized.

    Hypnotic Landscape- Hypnosis is not magic, it works well but the person still is in control of the outcome and needs to work on it. In other words hypnosis does not change the client – the client changes him or herself using hypnosis as an effective tool.

    - Hypnosis is not mind control. No one can control your mind, however, hypnosis can help you control your own mind and teaches you how to access your own unlimited resources.

    - Everyone can be hypnotized and your unique individuality will determine how deeply you enter this altered state of receptive awareness. Therefore, everyone can utilize this tool no matter how deeply they go inward.

    - Hypnosis is not meditation, relaxation or psychotherapy. Hypnosis is a technique and Hypnotherapy is psychotherapy that uses hypnosis as a technique. Therefore, only a psychotherapist can use hypnotherapy as a tool. As a licensed psychotherapist, Cheryl has been trained extensively in hypnosis and therefore can legitimately state she uses Clinical Hypnotherapy.


    According to Dr. Milton Erikson, "Anything you want it to be."

    According to D. Corydon Hammond (1992):

    "Hypnosis is a state of inner absorption, concentration, and focused attention. This altered state of consciousness is like using a magnifying glass in the sun—when the rays of the sun are focused, they are more powerful. Similarly when our mind is concentrated and focused, we are able to use more of our potential and more of the power of our mind. In this sense, learning hypnosis is the ultimate in a self-control skill, rather than being out of control."

    - It is an altered state of consciousness in which you are more able to utilize the body’s and mind’s own healing and change potential.

    -It is a state of being so fully absorbed and aware that your outside mind, thoughts, noise, fade away and become less and less important to you as you open the door to your inner wise mind (unconscious mind) and work on what is important to you. Because this is a very receptive state of awareness, you are capable of doing what the outer mind may find difficult if not impossible. You do not have to relax but most people find this experience a very relaxing and refreshing experience.

    Hypnotherapy can be used for many different issues from the simple to the complex and assists the client with reaching goals at a much faster and easier rate. For further information, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis website is a good resource at


    EMDR Maine

    This a powerful method of psychotherapy that helps relieve many types of psychological distress. EMDR was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro when she made the observation that eye movements can reduce the intensity of disturbing thoughts and emotions. These disturbances can be the result of trauma whether complex trauma or simple trauma.

    EMDR, unlike other forms of psychotherapy, seems to have a direct effect on the way that the brain processes information. Normal information processing is resumed, so following a successful EMDR session, a person no longer relives the images, sounds, and feelings when the event is brought to mind. You still may remember what happened, but it no longer has the intensity and frequently. It now is only a memory without any emotional charge. Even though the goal of most therapy has a similar goal, EMDR appears to be similar to what occurs naturally during dreaming or REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Therefore, EMDR can be thought of as a physiological based therapy that helps a person see disturbing material in a new and less distressing way.

    An actual session utilizing EMDR has the client identify a specific problem that appears to be creating difficulties for the client. The therapist assists the client to identify the triggers of this problem and the negative belief that the client has about him/herself. Once this is determined, the client is requested to go back to an earlier time when this belief began. Once this protocol is formulated, the therapist asks the client to hold onto to this distressing incident and negative belief and the processing begins. It has been determined that other forms of bilateral stimulation such as eyes movements are equally effective such as alternate sounds, tapping or tones. The goal is to have no distress when you think about this incident and have a positive belief that is true.


    EMDR is utilized with traditional therapy and Cheryl uses hypnosis and Reiki to further enhance the healing potential for the client. EMDR can be utilized for many problems such as panic attacks, complicated grief, dissociative disorders, disturbing memories, phobias, pain disorders, eating disorders, performance anxiety, stress reduction, sexual and/or physical abuse and body dysmorphic disorders. For further information visit

  • What is psychotherapy?

    Psyche comes from the Greek meaning soul. Therapy is to take care of-to heal. So a literal translation is to heal or take care of the soul.

    Why do I need psychotherapy?

    It has become clear that our minds and bodies influence each other in many ways and therefore, having a healthy mind benefits the entire body, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

    Why do most people enter into therapy?

    There are many reasons that you may decide to participate in therapy. Many people just need to sort through their feelings or to gain insight or clarity on a problem. However, many people utilize therapy for growth and change.

    How long do I stay in therapy?

    Many people can reach their goals in 3 to 6 months. However, there is no "right" length of time. It depends upon what you feel you need. Many people come in and out of therapy as they need and this can work well.

  • Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique that assists the mind and body with releasing tension and stress, thus promoting healing through deep relaxation. Rei means "Higher Power" and ki is "life force energy" or "universal life energy."

    Anyone can be attuned to this energy. There are several attunements culminating at the Master level. Because Reiki is a universal energy, it is a form of pure healing, and the practitioner and client do not exchange energy. Reiki feels like warm liquid sunshine flowing through you, surrounding you and comforting you. It heals the mind, body and spirit.

    Reiki can be received by hands on or hands above the body. It can also be sent through distant healing.

    Because Cheryl uses both Hypnosis and Reiki simultaneously if the client requests, she has discovered that this heals the psycho-unconscious mind by freeing up energy to balance the individual’s psychic center points so that their intuitional healing is activated.


    Cheryl utilizes Reiki on the Chakras of the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel of light". There are seven major chakras in the body beginning with the root chakra at the base of the spine, which is associated with the color red and is your foundation. The sacral chakra below the navel is associated with the color orange and is your connection with your creativity, sexuality and relationship with yourself as it relates to others. The solar plexus is just above the navel and is associated with the color yellow and is your personal power center. The heart chakra is green and this holds your feelings, forgiveness and compassion. The throat chakra is blue and is your communication – speaking your truth to others as well as yourself. The third eye between the brows is indigo and is your connection with your intuition. The crow chakra is violet and is the connection with your higher self. This is a very simple outline of the chakras.

    When these energy centers are not balanced, they create many physical and emotional “dis-eases” because we hold emotions, memories and trauma in our body. When these centers are balanced, energy flows easily and in harmony and can release physical and emotional blocks. By using this in conjunction with hypnosis and psychotherapy, you will notice improved emotional, physical and spiritual well being. Because all chakras correlate to organs and many aspects of the body, you truly understand how the mind and body are connected and when one heals the other follows.

    For example, the crown chakra affects the pineal gland and upper brain and when this chakra is out of alignment you can feel lethargic, tense, unfocused, and have migraines.

    Using this form of therapy, you not only resolve the problem, but also have a good understanding of the cause.

  • Have you ever heard the saying that "It’s all in your mind"?

    What is in your mind is in your body and what is in your body is in your mind. There is no separation between your mind and body; they are interconnected by all aspects of your physiology. This can be proven by the effects of stress on your physical well-being.

    Mind Body Connection In addition, your thoughts create your reality. For example, have you ever been feeling pretty happy, but then allowed your thoughts to wander to unhappy experiences...what happens?

    Your thoughts create many physiological responses in your body. Your stomach may get upset, you may breath heavier, etc.

    Now begin to think of pleasant experiences and notice what happens in your body. The reverse is also true – when you are in physical pain your emotional state may be uncomfortable or depressed.

    I have worked with Biofeedback and hypnosis and have demonstrated to clients their abilities to use their minds to control their bodily responses. This is well documented in the literature related to mind/body techniques. Therefore, it is realistic to say that you can learn to have unlimited control over your thoughts, emotions and physical states through the tools provided through hypnosis.