A Safe Space
To learn about your body and your mind
Your psyche and your actions
To be stimulated, to cleanse, to nourish with pure food
Answer questions inside you
To process emotions hungry to be transformed
So you uncover your strengths
Of what is true within you
Books to borrow, workshops to experience

Other souls to connect with

— Natasha Sidhu

Be it the need for deeper inward growth, physical issues, emotional or mental issues everyone here at the Sanctuary is focused on using our experience, skills and knowledge to help you get to your next path.

Embodied experiences to get back into our innate sensing within our body for it holds it’s own wisdom. Mental discourse and counseling so we hear our own truths, learning how to release emotions that are stagnant or blocking us.

A team of like minded practitioners, all with individual expertise and very different backgrounds to impart skills that will help you.

To be of service

Ayurveda/ Clinical Hypnotherapy/ EMDR/ Reiki/ Psychotherapy/ Healing with Sound/ Integrative Bodywork/ Presence in Healing/ Herbs and lifestyle practices/ Osteopathy/ Vedic Counseling/ Reawakening original connection to Health

You have to go through the body to settle the mind.

You have to go through the heart to settle the spirit.

You have to have supportive practices that give you balance and open you for the next as we are always meant to constantly evolve and grow.